Next Meeting
February 8 at 10:45 AM at Skylark Airport
Note that we meet the 2nd Saturday of each month at 10 AM from
November through March.
Topic to be announced
We now hold a separate chapter business meeting on the Thursday
before the regular meeting through Zoom. The next one will be
February 6 at 7:00 PM. Login information is the same every
month. To obtain that information, see the Newsletter, or send a
request to info@eaa1310.org.
You can add an item to the agenda my sending it to
info@eaa1310.org, or call 860-281-1310. We limit meetings to
40 minutes.
VMC Club
Saturday February 8 at 10:00 AM at Skylark Airport
Winter flying: Scenario a flight to the Ice Runway at Alton
All inputs are welcome!
Register through FAA Safety at:
To get the link to join the meeting online, go to:
The March 8 meeting will have John LaRoche will be discussing
valve lapping and annual aircraft inspections. How to work
with your mechanic to get the best value for your money.
These meetings are also available online through Microsoft
To obtain the registration link, go to https://meeting.eaa1310.org
Next Event
Pancake Breakfast - Saturday March 15 8:30 - 11:00 AM
We will be back with our hot pancakes with Hurricane sauce,
scrambled eggs, sausages fruit cup along with coffee, tea, juice
and milk. It's all you can eat for a $10 donation.
2025 Membership Renewals
Renew your chapter membership through the online
or mail a check payable to EAA Chapter 1310 to the address at
the bottom of this page. We'll get your membership card back
to you.
Annual membership is $25. Renew for three years
for $60. Save $15.
Note that there are some stock images on the
online store that came with the software. Purchases are
processed correctly.
Thanks go out to all the members who have renewed.
Check the Calendar
page for additional events.
Chapter Clothing
Chapter logo
T-shirts, sweatshirts and hats are available at our next meeting
and event.
SALE $6.00 Only 1 size XL remaining!
SALE $12.50
What's New
Our Mission
Our chapter is committed to providing
education and support for the homebuilding, restoration and design
of recreational aircraft. We provide resources for aviation safety
and encouragement for learning to fly.
New members and visitors are always
welcome. For more information on the chapter please contact
the chapter officers through any method below, or stop by at the
next meeting.
April through October on the 2nd
Wednesday of the month 7-9 PM.
November through March on the 2nd Saturday of the month at 10 AM.
To join EAA Chapter 1310, click on
the link at the right to order a membership, and we'll get our
welcome package to you.
Contact Information
We can be contacted through mail,
electronic mail, telephone.
Postal address
54 Wells Road, Broad Brook, CT 06016-9612
Paul Dowgewicz - Chapter President - (860) 281-1310
Electronic Mail
Join EAA Chapter 1310 Sign up
now to participate in our educational programs and social events.

METAR Bradley International Airport